since we're already talking about Van Halen...
so i was listening to 'Hot For Teacher' during my walk home yesterday, and it hit me; (for the one-thousand, nine-hundredth & eighty-fourth time), what a killer fucking rock song.
the super-insano drum intro, Eddie's guitar at Face Melting levels by the thirty second mark, the classroom chatter, that other guitar part, the awesome video; it's fucking perfect.
then i was thinking, if 'Hot For Teacher' really were a "killer" rock song, what kind of killer would it be?
that's easy. crazy ninja assassin.
but then i realized "no. that is incorrect."
ninja assassins, even the crazy ones, require a certain subtlety, a finesse if you will, to silently and gracefully slay their opponent with honor and dignity.
Hot For Teacher is more like a 6'8" two headed Rambo, wearing a neon orange shag carpet tuxedo, with machine gun arms and cherry red Ferrari's for legs.
who is also on fire.
yeah. more like that.
the super-insano drum intro, Eddie's guitar at Face Melting levels by the thirty second mark, the classroom chatter, that other guitar part, the awesome video; it's fucking perfect.
then i was thinking, if 'Hot For Teacher' really were a "killer" rock song, what kind of killer would it be?
that's easy. crazy ninja assassin.
but then i realized "no. that is incorrect."
ninja assassins, even the crazy ones, require a certain subtlety, a finesse if you will, to silently and gracefully slay their opponent with honor and dignity.
Hot For Teacher is more like a 6'8" two headed Rambo, wearing a neon orange shag carpet tuxedo, with machine gun arms and cherry red Ferrari's for legs.
who is also on fire.
yeah. more like that.